Theorists for Inflationary Cosmology-

Albert Einstein

introduced a cosmological constant, allowing a static solution, which was a three dimensional sphere with a uniform density of matter.

Willem de Sitter
found a highly symmetric inflating universe, describing a universe with a cosmological constant which is otherwise empty. Einstein’s solution was found to be unstable, and if there are small fluctuations, it will turn into de Sitter’s.


Realized the serious flatness and horizon problems of big bang cosmology


formulated an early chaotic version of inflation in 1979.

Alan Guth

proposed inflation in January of 1980, to resolve problems of previous theorists in the field. He concluded that such a model required fine tuning of the cosmological constant and would very likely lead to a much too granular universe, meaning it would have too large or density variations resulting from bubble wall collisions. He began to solve these problems with the idea of an exponentially expanding state. He proposed, that much like a cosmological constant, the early universe cooled and was trapped in a false vacuum with a high energy density. The early universe could only decay out of this cooled state through the process of bubble nucleation via quantum tunneling. He acknowledged that this model was problematic because the model did not reheat properly because when the bubbles nucleated, they did not generate radiation. Radiation could only be generated in collisions between bubble walls. If inflation lasted long enough to solve the initial problems, collisions would still be exceptionally rare.

Andrei Linde
he solved the bubble collision problem with a model named new inflation or slow-roll inflation. In this model, inflation occurred by a scalar field rolling down a potential energy hill. When the field rolls very slowly compared to the expansion of the universe, then inflation can occur. Conversely, when the hill becomes steeper, inflation ends and reheating occurs.


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